Impacts routes
The impact routes are used to retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a given asset. They represent the main feature of the API.
Query parameters
They all have the same query parameters. If no query parameters are provided, the default values will be used.
Parameter | Description | Default | Example |
criteria |
List the impact criteria you want the API to compute .All impacts criteria can be found here /v1/utils/impact_criteria |
criteria=gwp&criteria=pe&criteria=adp |
criteria=gwp |
verbose |
If set at true, the API will detail the data used in the assessment. See verbose. | verbose=true |
verbose=false |
archetype |
The missing data will be completed from the chosen archetype. Not implemented for cloud routes. See archetype | Default archetype for each asset can be set in the configuration file | archetype=compute_medium |
duration |
Duration considered for the assessment. If not provided, the total duration (lifetime) of the asset will be used. | None | duration=8760 (1 year) |
Requesting the route with a GET method will return the impacts with the values taken from the archetype.
Method | Routes | Description |
GET | /v1/server | Retrieve the impacts of a server archetype |
GET | /v1/cloud | Retrieve the impacts of a cloud instance |
GET | /v1/terminal/laptop | Retrieve the impacts of a laptop |
GET | /v1/terminal/desktop | Retrieve the impacts of a desktop (without screen) |
GET | /v1/terminal/smartphone | Retrieve the impacts of a smartphone |
GET | /v1/terminal/tablet | Retrieve the impacts of a tablet |
GET | /v1/terminal/television | Retrieve the impacts of a television |
GET | /v1/terminal/box | Retrieve the impacts of a box |
GET | /v1/terminal/vr_headset | Retrieve the impacts of a VR headset |
GET | /v1/peripheral/monitor | Retrieve the impacts of a monitor (computer screen) |
GET | /v1/peripheral/usb_stick | Retrieve the impacts of a usb_stick |
GET | /v1/peripheral/external_ssd | Retrieve the impacts of a external_ssd |
GET | /v1/peripheral/external_hdd | Retrieve the impacts of a external_hdd |
GET | /v1/peripheral/vr_controller | Retrieve the impacts of a vr controller |
GET | /v1/component/cpu | Retrieve the impacts of a cpu |
GET | /v1/component/ssd | Retrieve the impacts of a ssd |
GET | /v1/component/ram | Retrieve the impacts of a ram |
GET | /v1/component/hdd | Retrieve the impacts of a hdd |
GET | /v1/component/motherboard | Retrieve the impacts of a motherboard |
GET | /v1/component/power_supply | Retrieve the impacts of a power_supply |
GET | /v1/component/case | Retrieve the impacts of a case |
GET | /v1/iot/iot_device | Retrieve the impacts of an IoT device |
Requesting the route with a POST method will return the impacts with the values taken from the body. Missing values will be taken from the archetype or set by default. The format section of the documentation details the format of the body for each route.
Method | Routes | Description |
POST | /v1/server | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a server |
POST | /v1/cloud | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage for a cloud instance |
POST | /v1/terminal/laptop | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a laptop |
POST | /v1/terminal/desktop | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a desktop (without screen) |
POST | /v1/terminal/smartphone | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a smartphone |
POST | /v1/terminal/tablet | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a tablet |
POST | /v1/terminal/television | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a television |
POST | /v1/terminal/box | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a box |
POST | /v1/terminal/vr_headset | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a VR headset |
POST | /v1/peripheral/monitor | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a monitor (computer screen) |
POST | /v1/peripheral/usb_stick | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a usb_stick |
POST | /v1/peripheral/external_ssd | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a external_ssd |
POST | /v1/peripheral/external_hdd | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a external_hdd |
POST | /v1/peripheral/vr_controller | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a vr controller |
POST | /v1/component/cpu | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a cpu |
POST | /v1/component/ssd | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a ssd |
POST | /v1/component/ram | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a ram |
POST | /v1/component/hdd | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a hdd |
POST | /v1/component/motherboard | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a motherboard |
POST | /v1/component/power_supply | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a power_supply |
POST | /v1/component/case | Retrieve the impacts of a given usage and configuration for a case |
POST | /v1/iot/iot_device | Retrieve the impacts of an IoT device |
Consumption profile routes
Method | Routes | parameters | Description |
POST | /v1/consumption_profile/cpu | verbose |
Retrieve the consumption profile of a given CPU. See get started with consumption profiles |
Utils routes
Utils routes are used to retrieve the list of possible values for some parameters, to retrieve the list of archetypes for a given asset or to use some specific features.
Method | Routes | parameters | Description |
GET | /v1/server/archetypes | Get all available server archetype | |
GET | /v1/server/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/cloud/all_instances | provider |
Get all available cloud instances for a given provider |
GET | /v1/cloud/all_providers | Get all available cloud providers | |
GET | /v1/server/archetype_config | instance |
Get the config of a given instance |
GET | /v1/terminal/all | Get all available terminal with their route prefix | |
GET | /v1/terminal/laptop/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given laptop name | |
GET | /v1/terminal/laptop/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/terminal/desktop/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given desktop name | |
GET | /v1/terminal/desktop/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/terminal/smartphone/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given smartphone name | |
GET | /v1/terminal/smartphone/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/terminal/tablet/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given tablet name | |
GET | /v1/terminal/tablet/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/terminal/television/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given television name | |
GET | /v1/terminal/television/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/terminal/box/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given box name | |
GET | /v1/terminal/box/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/terminal/vr_headset/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given vr_headset name | |
GET | /v1/terminal/vr_headset/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/peripheral/all | Get all available peripheral with their route prefix | |
GET | /v1/peripheral/monitor/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given monitor name | |
GET | /v1/peripheral/monitor/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/peripheral/usb_stick/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given usb_stick name | |
GET | /v1/peripheral/usb_stick/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/peripheral/external_hdd/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given external_hdd name | |
GET | /v1/peripheral/external_hdd/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/peripheral/external_ssd/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given external_ssd name | |
GET | /v1/peripheral/external_ssd/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/peripheral/vr_controller/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a given vr_controller name | |
GET | /v1/peripheral/vr_controller/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given archetype |
GET | /v1/component/all | Get all available components with their route prefix | |
GET | /v1/component/cpu/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a cpu | |
GET | /v1/component/cpu/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given cpu archetype |
GET | /v1/component/ram/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a ram | |
GET | /v1/component/ram/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given ram archetype |
GET | /v1/component/ssd/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a ssd | |
GET | /v1/component/ssd/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given ssd archetype |
GET | /v1/component/hdd/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a hdd | |
GET | /v1/component/hdd/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given hdd archetype |
GET | /v1/component/motherboard/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a motherboard | |
GET | /v1/component/motherboard/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given motherboard archetype |
GET | /v1/component/case/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a case | |
GET | /v1/component/case/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given case archetype |
GET | /v1/component/power_supply/archetypes | Get all available archetype for a power_supply | |
GET | /v1/component/power_supply/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given power_supply archetype |
GET | /v1/iot/iot_device/archetypes | Get all available archetype for an iot device | |
GET | /v1/iot/iot_device/archetype_config | archetype |
Get the config of a given iot device archetype |
GET | /v1/utils/country_code | Get all available country code associated to its country name | |
GET | /v1/utils/cpu_model_range | Get all available model_range | |
GET | /v1/utils/ssd_manufacturer | Get all available ssd manufacturer | |
GET | /v1/utils/ram_manufacturer | Get all available ram manufacturer | |
GET | /v1/utils/case_type | Get all available case type | |
GET | /v1/utils/name_to_cpu | cpu_name |
Get a description of a CPU from its name |
GET | /v1/utils/cpu_name | Get all available cpu name | |
GET | /v1/utils/impact_criteria | Get all available impact criteria (name, code, description, unit) |